Eidolon Avenue: The Second Feast by Jonathan Winn



“Winn delves into the darkest recesses of humanity, spinning tales of terror and grotesque imagery. Submerged in this lucid dream world I was sufficiently disturbed yet compelled to read on with squirming stomach and heavy heart.”Ben Long, Reading Vicariously

“Steeping with misery and fractured soul, this Second Feast is more satisfying than the first. Eidolon Avenue is a series, and Jonathan Winn is a writer, not to be missed. All journeys are personal, but all roads lead to Eidolon Avenue.”Zakk Madness, The Eyes of Madness/ Night Worms Contributor

Eidolon Avenue: The Second Feast is a tight collection of nightmare imagery bound to follow you long after the final page is turned. One absorbing tale after another, culminating in a horror event you cannot put down. Eidolon Avenue makes Elm Street look like Sesame Street.“—Rex Hurst, author of What Hell May Come

“I am ridiculously enamored with Jonathan Winn’s writing style. It flows like dark poetry, evocative and enthralling. I was honestly reminded of Poe.”—Bibliophilia Templum


Eidolon Avenue: Where the secretly guilty go to die.

One building. Five floors. Five doors per floor. Twenty-five nightmares feeding the hunger lurking between the bricks and waiting beneath the boards.

The sequel to Eidolon Avenue: The First Feast (“a great read…powerful and jarring” – Cemetery Dance) returns to the voracious Eidolon as it savors The Second Feast.

A narcoleptic man in apartment 2A battles a vengeful past determined to rob him of everything as he runs from the barbaric disaster of a delusional love. A woman in 2B, reinventing herself to please a callous boyfriend, discovers the horrors that wait in the shadows of her self-renovation. The man in 2C, a teacher at the nearby Catholic girl’s school, collapses beneath the brutal consequences of his lecherous desires. An older woman in 2D, after decades dedicated to the church, is cornered at last by the grisly carnage beating at the hollow center of her faith. And a college student in 2E, hungry to escape an ignored life of invisible anonymity, finds herself captured between the pages of a ravenous book.

All thrown into their own private hell as every cruel choice, every drop of spilled blood, every silent, complicit moment of cowardice is remembered, resurrected and relived to feed the ancient evil that lives on Eidolon Avenue.

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