“…takes the basic concept of a thriller, dials up the body horror, and puts a blackly comedic twist on the whole thing, the end result being uniquely entertaining and gleefully bonkers.”— Richard Martin, Horror Oasis
“Nick Kolakowski’s novella, Absolute Unit, is a helluva ride. This fucked-up bizarro crime horror story is a friggin’ blast, packed chock full of comedy, outrageousness, and violence in fairly equal measure.” – Michael Hicks
“Absolute Unit is a kick in the groin to all those who hold “traditional values” dear. It is the American nightmare made flesh with all the hidden seediness and sordid behavior of a rotten and decayed culture placed front and center for your reading pleasure. It’s a nasty, dirty read, and I couldn’t put it down.”—Rex Hurst, author of “What Hell May Come”