What is Still Water Bay?
Naching T. Kassa: Still Water Bay is a fiction series in the vein of Supernatural and Dark Shadows. It’s campy, dramatic fun, in a world dreamed up by Joe Mynhardt. Jay Wilburn, Red Lagoe, Guy Medley, and I are so lucky! We get to play in that world.
What’s the coolest thing about writing with the Still Water Bay team?
Kassa: I work with some insanely talented people. Jay, Guy, and Red bring such wonderful perspectives and skill-sets to their work. Their monsters are top-notch and I love seeing how their plots unfold. They always surprise me.
Who’s your favorite character to write about?
Kassa: I love to write about Asadi. He’s been thrown into this supernatural world against his will and through such tragic circumstances. I’m really enjoying his journey.
If you had to move to Still Water Bay, which would be your favorite spot in town?
Kassa: It wouldn’t be the Jackson Resort, I can tell you that! I think my favourite place would be the Library. Not only is it the Headquarters of the Guild, it’s full of books—and I love books!
How do you go about deciding on your story idea, and incorporating all the set guidelines and characters of this shared-world setting?
Kassa: To me, every story in Still Water Bay is a character-driven story. So, I have to decide on what the characters will be in it first. The actions of the characters decide the plot of the story and then the setting. We have character, villain, and setting sheets which help us keep continuity and stay true to the characters, so I try to adhere to those. It’s kind of like writing a TV show.
Any bit of info you can share about upcoming episodes?
Kassa: We have some really exciting stuff coming! Strange and unimaginable monsters, YouTubers, victims who drown in their beds, missing bodies… You’ll need to check it out and see for yourself!