This is a post about celebration, success, and sending good vibes.
We’d like to congratulate author Richard Alan Scott, who will always be remembered as the very first author to sign to the Crystal Lake Torrid Waters imprint. His novella, Relics From the Underworld, will be published toward the end of the year or early next year.
While Richard deserves a welcome to Crystal Lake and a big congratulations, we also ask that you send good vibes and prayers his way. Richard is battling a very aggressive cancer at the moment. But we’re certain that this success will be just one of many things (and people) to carry him through.
Here’s a bit more about Richard: Richard Alan Scott’s work has appeared in Magazines: Premiere, Shroud, and Albedo One: Ireland ‘s #1 Genre magazine, and the ‘Wicked Creatures’ and ‘Walls and Bridges’ Anthologies. His blog is the ‘Labyrinth Project Creators Journal’ of New Orleans, and he’s featured in 3 CD/Books, ‘The Black Stone,’ ‘The Beyond’, and ‘The Body of Horror’ from Eighth Tower Books in Italy. He was Guest Writer for Crystal Lake Publishing’s ‘Still Water Bay’ series. He has two novels that are being queried and lives in rural Rhode Island near Lovecraft and Eddy’s Great Dark Swamp. Visit him at