Out now: The Thing in the Wind by Bill Mullen

A search party stumbles upon an unspeakable horror that threatens both their lives and sanity. In the heart of the Canadian wilderness, a harrowing tale of survival and psychological horror unfolds in this gripping novel. Amidst the vast, unforgiving landscape, a...

Out now: Marmalade by Roland Blackburn

IF SHE SAYS HIS NAME, HE WILL COME In this gripping supernatural horror book, recently orphaned Prose Harden becomes the sole witness to her father’s gruesome murder, catapulting her into the eerie confines of Everbrook, a group home for troubled teens. Here, in...

Out now: Mesonoxian by Roland Blackburn

Six years have gone by since Elm woke in the ashes of a burnt-out carnival in Tennessee, his wife Doro missing and his leg mangled. When he finds an impossible flyer for the extinct Mesonoxian Brothers carnival halfway across the country, Elm embarks on a...

Out Today: Mean Spirited by Nick Roberts

An alcoholic teacher and father’s world spirals out of control when a former student is killed and he is left with her dog and the dark presence that follows it. Matt Matheny teaches during the day, drinks at night, and barely hides his functioning alcoholism from his...