Harvest Time by Dan Fields, Chris Robinson, and Joe Filipas is a gripping novel that seamlessly blends elements of creature horror, American Gothic, and rural terror into an unforgettable road trip thriller. Set against the backdrop of classic drive-in horror...
Prepare yourself for a chilling journey through the American frontier with Blood and Bullets, an anthology featuring three gripping novellas that blend horror, paranormal elements, and the harsh realities of the Old West. “American Devil” by James...
A father whose son fades away every day unless he passes the boy a bit of his own life.Three robots holding a séance.A man who suffers the effects of an intergalactic portal opening in his stomach. These stories exist at the intersection of science fiction, horror,...
A transcendental anthology of women in horror, altering all you know by revamping traditional lore while exploring the unfathomable and the obscure.Prepare yourself for a harrowing journey through Dastardly Damsels, an anthology that redefines horror with a powerful...
We are all prey to this anthology of modern fables and dark tales.Bestiary of Blood was conceived in a moment of revelation, born from the visceral experience of watching nature’s savage ballet—lions tearing into flesh, hyenas gnawing bones, sharks thrashing in...