Mike and his family are soon terrorized by a secret society of modern day colonials who call themselves The Washingtonians. After a letter is found hidden in Mike’s grandmother’s barn, a gruesome letter exposing the dark truth that our first president of...
“Small towns hold the biggest secrets…” In the chilling aftermath of the Halloween homecoming massacre, the town of Newport struggles to recover from the terror unleashed by Jessica Black. But as the survivors come to terms with their losses, a new breed of...
Nick Roberts’ The Exorcist’s House is now available from Tantor Media via Audible, Amazon and everywhere audiobooks are sold. Narrated by Spencer Dillehay.
Twenty years have passed since the town of Newport was terrorized by the infamous Black Heart Killer. The horrific murders that left the woods stained with blood and hearts torn from chests are now a dark memory—one best forgotten. But some secrets refuse to stay...
Harvest Time by Dan Fields, Chris Robinson, and Joe Filipas is a gripping novel that seamlessly blends elements of creature horror, American Gothic, and rural terror into an unforgettable road trip thriller. Set against the backdrop of classic drive-in horror...
Prepare yourself for a chilling journey through the American frontier with Blood and Bullets, an anthology featuring three gripping novellas that blend horror, paranormal elements, and the harsh realities of the Old West. “American Devil” by James...