Shadows & Ink Blog: Dialogue Part 2

In the dim recesses of horror fiction, dialogue serves as a lantern, casting light on the psyches and histories of characters. When used deftly, it carves out the contours of their personalities, unravels their fears, and embroiders their backgrounds into the tapestry...
Shadows & Ink Blog: Dialogue Part 1 of 4

Shadows & Ink Blog: Dialogue Part 1 of 4

In preparation for my Shadows & Ink Vol.2 book, out in April, I want to deep dive into dialogue, which is so important in horror fiction. The book delves quite deep into dialogue and a few other topics, but I felt the need to share some of my extra research with...
Shadows & Ink Blog: Dialogue Part 1 of 4

Shadows & Ink Blog: Polishing Your Horror Masterpiece

Earlier this week, our mastermind group got into a spirited chat about one of the unsung heroes in crafting a spine-tingling story: editing. Whether it’s your first ghost story or you’re already a wizard of the weird, let’s talk about why giving your manuscript a good...