Jason Marc Harris weaves a tale of dark enchantment and vengeful obsession in this Supernatural Horror. Elias, tormented by visions of his sister’s suffering and jealous of the adulation her puppetry skills command, is drawn into the shadowy world of occult...
Happy New Year, horror writers! As we step into this fresh year, it’s the perfect time to set goals and establish a routine that will bring your writing dreams to life. Here’s a guide to help you structure your year for maximum creativity and productivity....
Dear Horror Writers, Big things are happening in the horror writing community this year, and we want to ensure you’re a part of it. Firstly, we’re thrilled to introduce you to our Shadows & Ink Heartbeat community—a dedicated space for horror authors like...
As the winner of last month’s contest, Dylan Wells agreed to host this month. Here’s her theme:“Why say “Not today, Satan!” when saying “yes” is so much more fun? The theme for this go around is just that: “Yes today, Satan!” Satan...
Creating three-dimensional characters is a cornerstone of compelling horror writing. In my upcoming book, Shadows & Ink, we dive deep into this art, but here’s a sneak peek: Backstory and Motivation: Every character in horror should have a past that shapes...