In the gripping novel set against the gritty backdrop of 1970s Chicago, two elderly men, wearied by their homeless existence, embark on a fateful train journey that promises a fresh start out west. Their story, deeply entrenched in the themes of a small-town thriller...
Coming in 2025! Bio: Corey Niles was born and raised in the Rust Belt, where he garnered his love of horror. His debut novel, Blood & Dirt, was released in August 2022. His poetry and short fiction have appeared in over twenty publications, including Nightmare...
When Mike Denver’s sister, Kelly, mysteriously vanishes along with her best friend, Jennifer Jones, he enlists the help of Jennifer’s distraught father to search for them. The police are seemingly clueless, and time is of the essence, but can Mike help Sam...
Hello, fellow dark scribes of the Shadows & Ink community! Today, we’re venturing into the realms of productivity and motivation, exploring how setting deadlines, working with a team, and having regular accountability check-ins can transform your writing process,...
Here are Dylan Wells’ finalists, and the order in which the stories will be posted on the Crystal Lake Patreon page this month: “In Case the Chloroform Wears Off” by Jennifer Osborn“A Drug for Everything” by Derrin Maloney“Careless” by Mia Dalia“Don’t Stand So...