Out now: The Thing in the Wind by Bill Mullen

A search party stumbles upon an unspeakable horror that threatens both their lives and sanity. In the heart of the Canadian wilderness, a harrowing tale of survival and psychological horror unfolds in this gripping novel. Amidst the vast, unforgiving landscape, a...
Shadows & Ink Blog: The Power of Author Communities

Shadows & Ink Blog: The Power of Author Communities

Welcome back to the eerie embrace of Shadows & Ink, where the whispers of our collective creativity echo through the corridors of horror and beyond. In our ongoing exploration of what fuels our craft, we’ve delved into the realms of personal well-being and...

Presenting Memento Mori Ink Magazine!

Remember when Crystal Lake evolved from a small press into an entertainment company? Here’s the next phase: Born out of the collaborative vision of House of Stitched Magazine’s Editor-in-Chief Lisa Vasquez and Crystal Lake Entertainment, we are proud to...