Unleash the transformative power of horror with PsychoActive: Transformative Horror Novellas, a chilling anthology that delves into the darkest recesses of the human psyche. “Love is a Monstrous Death” by Ryan C. Thomas & Anthony Trevino: The residents of Sunshine...
Welcome back, fellow wordsmiths! Today, we embark on a journey of commitment—to our craft, our deadlines, and our creative dreams. Let’s delve into the importance of staying steadfast in our writing pursuits, overcoming excuses, and honing our focus on what truly...
The Sinister Scoop magazine had their The Golden Scoop Awards this weekend. Congrats to author Nick Roberts, who walked away with three awards from two of his titles with Crystal Lake. -Best Single Author Collection: It Haunts the Mind & Other Stories -Book to...
Great news! You can now pre-order the debut issue of Crystal Lake’s Memento Mori Ink Magazine right here (out in August): There are even more options on the home page.