Tell us a bit more about you and where you’re from.
Michael Porter: I am from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, specifically Chesapeake.
What inspired your winning story? Why did that particular theme resonate with you?
Michael: I wanted to do something with Cosmic Horror (Lovecraftian, Eldrich, Weird), and something with sci-fi. There is a shortage of quality science fiction horror projects, and so I always tend to lean in that direction. On top of that the theme was Valentines Day and specifically HEARTS. So, I immediately thought of a giant, ethereal, monstrous heart. From there setting it in an ancient city on a lost rogue planet wasn’t that far off. The story is about stumbling into a situation you can’t handle and being consumed by it.
When, and why, did you start writing?
Michael: As a student I struggled with spelling, grammar, reading. Sitting still for longer than a minute. In sixth grade I had a teacher who really put some time in. He used to read us Fear Street books (R.L. Stein) to test our reading comprehension. He got my and other students articles published in the Virginian Pilot weekly. After that I was hooked.
What’s your favourite aspect of writing horror?
Michael: The art of guiding someone through an experience they are looking to have, with just the right amount of mystery to hook them, and just the right amount of terror for them to really enjoy it without throwing the book across the room.
What’s the best thing about being a writer?
Michael: As a write you hold the keys to infinite possibilities. As Q would say, “wonders more incredible than you can possibly imagine, and terrors to freeze your soul.” You are a provider of entertainment and sometimes a purveyor of education and knowledge.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
Michael: There are so many! I started with R.L. Stein. H.P. Lovecraft of course. Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot was my first adult horror novel. Brian Keene’s The Rising started off my college love affair with the zombie apocalypse genre, along with J.L. Borne’s Day by Day Armageddon. Joseph Sale. Adam L.G. Nevill. I enjoy the military science fiction of David Weber and Richard Fox. I could write a thesis about all the great authors in the genre.
Anything special on your ‘to read’ list for this year?
Michael: I haven’t gotten to Wake Up and Open Your Eyes by Clay McLeod Chapman yet. The End of the World as We Know It: New Tales of Stephen King’s The Stand comes out later this year. Demon Drink by Kris Ashton, and Dark Heart by Chris Dileo. Currently reading Save Game by Joseph Sale.
How do you make time to write, and how do you utilize that time.
Michael: I am the most productive in the morning, so I get up early. I also work full time, so I also end up writing in the evening. I used to just type things out as they occurred to me in real time, but as I’ve matured, I’m a big fan of outlines now. However, I often end up departing from the outlines. I tend to do a lot of my actual writing in the early morning, and then in the evening I edit and read.
Anything about you most folks don’t know? Perhaps a hidden talent or hobby.
Michael: I have a black belt in Taekwondo. Basic self-defence is important.
What can readers expect from you in the future? Where do you see your career heading in the next five years?
Michael: I finished my first novel, Echoes of Haven, in February. I am currently working on my second book Kellum House. People can expect 2 to 3 novels a year.
Where can folks find you online?