Title: Midnight Vintage, a short story collection by Sean Eads and Josh Viola. Introduction by Stephen Graham Jones. Afterword by Carter Wilson

The dark grapes have been harvested, the wine press has done its work. Now two of horror’s most sublime vintners offer their finest wine to pair with your appetite for the macabre, the grisly and the grim. Fill your cup with a Satanist whose movie theater robs children of their souls. Split a bottle with a harried shoe cobbler unable to escape his helpful elves, who have a taste for flesh. Toast a group of troubled girls who take an unspeakable revenge on a high school shooter who interrupts their therapy session. Stumble drunk through the foggy streets of old Vienna with a palm reader whose own hands have become a madman’s valued prize. Midnight Vintage has something for every mood. Open it. Savor it. This wine likes to breathe . . . at the back of your neck.

Out early 2025.