Shadows & Ink Blog

Mastering the Art of Horror Writing and Publishing.

Shadows & Ink Blog: Joe interviews Kindlepreneur’s Dave Chesson

Shadows & Ink Blog: Joe interviews Kindlepreneur’s Dave Chesson

Did you know that Crystal Lake has a community on Heartbeat? It’s called Shadows & Ink, after my book, Shadows & Ink: Mastering the Art of Horror Writing and Publishing. In the spirit of the book, this online community offers resources and support to help...

Shadows & Ink Blog: Embracing the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Shadows & Ink Blog: Embracing the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Hello, writers! In today’s dynamic publishing landscape, being an author is no longer just about writing great stories. It’s about becoming an entrepreneur who can navigate the complexities of self-publishing or hybrid publishing. Whether you're self-publishing or...

Shadows & Ink Blog: Circumventing Clichés to Freshen Up Your Scares

Shadows & Ink Blog: Circumventing Clichés to Freshen Up Your Scares

I’m a big fan of the classic elements of horror. There’s a reason they became cliches or tropes in the first place. But we do need to tread carefully. Avoiding these clichés doesn’t mean abandoning these classic elements, but rather revitalizing them with fresh...

Shadows & Ink Blog: Mastering Dialogue

Shadows & Ink Blog: Mastering Dialogue

Welcome back to Shadows & Ink, where we dive deep into the art and craft of writing. Today, we're exploring the intricate world of dialogue—how to create conversations that resonate with authenticity and captivate your readers. Let’s uncover techniques and...

Shadows & Ink Blog: Committing to Your Writing Journey

Shadows & Ink Blog: Committing to Your Writing Journey

Welcome back, fellow wordsmiths! Today, we embark on a journey of commitment—to our craft, our deadlines, and our creative dreams. Let’s delve into the importance of staying steadfast in our writing pursuits, overcoming excuses, and honing our focus on what truly...

Shadows & Ink Blog: Hitting the Wall?

Shadows & Ink Blog: Hitting the Wall?

Greetings, fellow wordsmiths! Today, let's tackle one of the most formidable foes in the writer's arsenal: writer's block. I don’t really like the term, since it’s become something authors fear more than they should. So let’s just say you’re hitting a bit of a...

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