Here are the ‘Coming of Rage’ (a Stephen King theme) finalists for this month’s Shallow Waters flash contest:

“Death on the Doorstep” by C.S. Dines
“Bedside Vigil” by J. T. Seate
“A Dangerous Meeting” by Alex S. Johnson
“Plant Kingdom” by Katherine Kerestman
“The Cold and Drowning Darkness” by Guy Medley
“Solipsism” by Tucker Struyk
“Fire Exit” by Kirk Vanderbeek
“Say My Name, Stephen King” by Steve Zisson
“Thrash Behaviour” by Joe Nazare
“Go, Marge, Go” by Roni Stinger
“Hearts of Stone” by Rae Patterson
“A God of Clay and Filthv” by J. M. Heluk
“Not Quite” by Martin Alvarez
“Energy. Crisis.” by Tom Deady
“Confessions of a Soccer Mom” by Chaz Williams
“Stress Response” by Laura Ryan
“A Splash of Red” by A.K. McCarthy
“Enough’s Enough” by T.L. Emery
“Freak Storm” by Robert Hanover
“The Googlymucks” by Christopher Blinn

Author Philip Harris is a recent winner and agreed to host this theme, so these are his finalists and the order in which the stories will be posted, starting Tuesday, June 4th.

Thanks again to everyone who entered, and of course to Philip for reading all the submissions. These stories will be posted one per day on the Crystal Lake Patreon page to our $5-a-month and higher tier patrons. There is a 7-day free trial on our two $5 tiers. These tiers of course include a lot more than just these stories, but it’s quite fun to get a story delivered to your email every morning. Over your first cup of coffee.

Come give it a try!